Derya Nuhbalaoğlu-Ayan, Dr.phil.

Moderator & Member of Working Group

Field of study & Affiliation: Sign Language Linguistics, Syntax-Pragmatics Interface, Experimental and Cognitive Linguistics, Phonology, Language Contact, Goethe University Frankfurt

I received my BA degree in Turkish Language and Literature with a minor in Linguistics from Bogazici University, Istanbul (2007). Afterwards I have pursued and completed my MA studies in Linguistics with focus on Turkish Phonology, at the same university (2010). I have started my doctoral studies at Bogazici University and after completing the qualificational stage I have moved to Germany to continue my doctoral studies (2014). Between 2012-2019 I have worked in multiple national and international research projects on sign language linguistics both in Turkey and Germany.

I have received my doctoral degree in German linguistics from University of Göttingen, with a dissertation on "Comprehension and Production of Referential Expressions in German Sign Language and Turkish Sign Language” (2019). Since July 2019, I have been working as a scientific coordinator at Goethe University Frankfurt. Besides that, I am teaching online courses at Bilgi University (Istanbul) on a part-time basis, I am involved in several projects on sign language linguistics and have been actively reviewing multiple book chapters and articles on sign language linguistics research.

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