Submitted by eayan on Mon, 07/19/2021 - 14:11


Each year a new Summer School event with a particular focus on Digital Humanities methods is initiated by institutions in different countries. This year Summer School, "Methods In Language Sciences" (MILS), which was actually planned last year but postponed to 2021 due to Covid-19 pandemic, was organized by Departments of Linguistics and Translation, Interpreting and Communication for the first time at Ghent University’s Mercator Campus. The event, which was actualized in a hybrid form (on-site and online), attracted a lot of attention among international participants and created a dynamic synergy with its diverse curricula and workshops changing from programing to statistical analyses via various open-source software. Our founder and communication fellow of ADHO, Erdal Ayan, also participated in the course, NLP with Python, held by Arda Tezcan, Veronique Hoste and Cynthia VanHee. The course covered basic programming concepts such as variables, operators, conditions, loops and using external libraries, especially those developed for text analysis. Besides learning basic programming skills, the participants also learned about different NLP techniques and got hands-on experience in applying some of these techniques to tackle real-world problems. The event is planned to be continued in the coming years. We wish organizers a lot of success in their newly born event.